Kalamazoo 2018 Panels of Interest

Thursday 10:30 a.m., Bernhard 205
Session 34: Old French Literature I 
Presider: Christine Chism, Univ. of California–Los Angeles
Two Kings, Two Cuckolds, and the Meaning of Love in Marie de France’s Equitan
Sarah Kooienga, Grand Valley State Univ.
Discovering the Ship in Marie de France’s Guigemar
Yue Chen Hou, McMaster Univ.
The Sensory Perception and Connotation of Cited Refrains in Old French Chansons
James Terry, Oglethorpe Univ.
A Matter of Cors: Translating Identity in the Cansos of Arnaut Daniel
Annie Doucet, Tulane Univ.

Thursday 1:30 p.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 51: In Her Own Words: Twelfth-Century French Women’s Voices in Performance (A Performance Roundtable)
Organizer: Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ.
Presider: Simonetta Cochis
A performance roundtable with Dorothy Gilbert, Univ. of California–Berkeley; Julie Human, Univ. of Kentucky; Yvonne LeBlanc, Independent Scholar; and Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.

Thursday 7:30 p.m., Bernhard 212
Session 158: Fear of Domestic Abuse in Medieval Texts 
Organizer: Kisha G. Tracy, Fitchburg State Univ.
Presider: Eve Salisbury, Western Michigan Univ.
Marriage, Murder, and Memory: Saint Godelieve of Gistel and the Changing Uses of Her Vitae in the Later Middle Ages
Katherine Clark Walter, College at Brockport
How “Mild” Is Her “Chere”? Does The King of Tars Offer a Model for Female Empowerment?
Danielle Sottosanti, Fordham Univ.
“He hadde assayed hire ynogh bifore”: Griselda’s Patience Revisited
Amber Dunai, Texas A&M Univ.–Central Texas
Bisclavret’s Wife, Were-abusers, and the Fear of Violence
Kisha G. Tracy
Respondent: Eve Salisbury

Friday 10:00 a.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 165:  Marie and Ovid (A Roundtable) 
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Organizer: Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.
Presider: Ed Ouellette, Air Command and Staff College
A roundtable discussion with Dorothy Gilbert, Univ. of California–Berkeley; Susan Hopkirk, Univ. of Toronto; Julie Human, Univ. of Kentucky; Emanuel Mickel, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington; Rupert T. Pickens, Univ. of Kentucky; and Logan Whalen, Univ. of Oklahama.

Friday 1:30 p.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 222: Queering Marie 
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Organizer: Leslie Anderson, Tulane Univ.
Presider: Leslie Anderson
Feminization and Queer Violence in the Lais of Marie de France
Elizabeth Liendo, Pennsylvania State Univ.
Queer Embodiment, Homosocial Imagining, and Human Being in Bisclavret
Emily McLemore, Univ. of Notre Dame
Shapeshifting Knights and Subservient Wives: Marie de France Challenging Marriage within Her Lais
Marybeth Perdomo, Univ. of New Mexico
Fathers Beware: Marie de France, Les Deus Amanz, and the Case for Tempered Paternal Love
Audrey C. Townsend, Univ. of Oklahoma

Friday 3:30 p.m., Valley 2 Garneau Lounge
Session 280: Le Fresne Again! Ten Years of Performing Marie de France (A Performance)
Sponsor: International Marie de France Society
Organizer: Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.
Presider: Arielle McKee, Purdue Univ.
Performances by Walter A. Blue, Hamline Univ.; Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania Univ.; Ronald Cook, Independent Scholar; Dorothy Gilbert, Univ. of California– Berkeley; and Yvonne LeBlanc, Independent Scholar; with discussant Evelyn Birge Vitz, New York Univ.

Saturday 12:00 noon
Fetzer 1030
International Marie de France Society Business Meeting

Saturday 1:30 p.m., Valley 3 Stinson Lounge
Session 397: Performing Courtly Love
Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch
Organizer: Christopher Callahan, Illinois Wesleyan Univ.
Presider: Christopher Callahan
Performing Courtly Love in Pas d’armes: The St. Petersburg Manuscript of the
Pas de Saumur
Catherine Blunk, Drury Univ.
“I’ve been through the forest on a horse with bad reins”: Performing the Lay of Trot
Tamara Bentley Caudill, Jacksonville Univ.

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