Panels and Papers of Note for Kalamazoo 2017

In advance of the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 11-14, 2017, here is a list of papers and panels of interest to IMFS members. Speakers with asterisks are also members of the Society.

Session 372, Saturday 10:00 a.m., Schneider 1280 — Teaching Marie de France (A Roundtable): A roundtable discussion with Dorothy Gilbert (U. of California–Berkeley)*; Julie Human (U. of Kentucky); Ann McCullough (Middle Tennessee State U.)*; Tamara Bentley Caudill (Tulane U.)*; Robin Hermann (U. of Louisiana–Lafayette); Evelyn Birge Vitz (New York U.)*

Session 395, Saturday 1:30 p.m., Valley III Stinson Lounge —  Performances of Marie de France: Yonec: Simonetta Cochis (Transylvania U.)*; Yvonne LeBlanc (Independent Scholar); Walter A. Blue (Hamline U.)*; Dorothy Gilbert (U. of California– Berkeley)*

Session 447, Saturday 3:30 p.m., Valley III Stinson Lounge — The Versatile Marie de France: Misconceptions and Issues of Deception in Marie de France’s Lanval? – Anne Caillaud (Grand Valley State U.)*; The Birds and the Bees: Animals and Gender in Marie de France – Susan Hopkirk (U. of Toronto); Marie in English Verse: Challenges and Opportunities – Ron Cook (Independent Scholar)*

Saturday Noon, Fetzer 1030 —  International Marie de France Society Meeting: Business Meeting

Other Panels and Papers of Interest

Session 30, Thursday 10:00 a.m., Bernhard 158 — Ihesu Dulcis: Devotion to the Hold Name in Medieval Europe: Chivalry, Piety, and Devotion to the Name of Christ in Marie de France’s Saint Patrick’s Purgatory – Stephen G. Moore (U. of Regina)

Session 66, Thursday 1:30 p.m., Schneider 1280 — Gender and Species: Ecofeminist Intersections (A Roundtable): La Femme Bisclavret: Gender, Species, and Language – Alison Langdon (Western Kentucky U.)

Session 150, Thursday 7:30 p.m., Fetzer 1060 — Performance in and of Courtly Literature: A  chantar in Performance – Laura Zoll (Independent Scholar)*; The Performance of Awe in Courtly Romance – Evelyn Birge Vitz* (New York U.)*; Shifting Our Horizons of Expectation: Love Service in the Devotional Contrafacta of Jacques de Cambrai – Christopher Callahan (Illinois Wesleyan U.)*;  – “Þe forme to be fynisment foldez ful selden”: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Dynamics of Performance; Gerard Lavin (U. of New Mexico – U. of New Mexico Graduate Student Prize Winner)

Session 427, Saturday 1:30 p.m., Schneider 1335 — Shifting Shape and Changing Form I: The Translation of Transformation: Body Schema in the Anglo-Norman Bisclavret and Old Norse Bisclarets ljóð – Andrea Whitacre (Indiana U.–Bloomington)

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