Monthly Archives: October 2015

ICLS 2016 Call for Papers – Marie de France panel(s)

The International Marie de France Society aims to sponsor 1-2 panels at the XVth Congress Of the International Courtly Literature Society University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky USA 24-29 July 2016 Embracing Lexington’s status as the horse capital of the … Continue reading

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New Italian edition of Guingamor, Tydorel, and Tyolet

Edizioni dell’Orso announces an all-new Italian translation of the anonymous Breton lais Guingamor, Tydorel, and Tyolet. The volume includes a scholarly presentation of the lais as well as a Glossary and Bibliography. Translation and presentation: Margherita Lecco (Università di Genova) ISBN: 978-88-6274-612-0 Cost: … Continue reading

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